Project and Change Management

Project and Change Management

Our project management allows companies to maximize their return on projects

For projects to be delivered on time, to budget and then successfully adopted by the end user is no mean accomplishment and it most definitely doesn’t happen without intervention.

At KIP, we fully understand the implications of effective project and change management, which is why these two disciplines are at the core of all our projects, no matter the size or scope of implementation.

Management systems are pivotal in enabling an organisation to improve, if deployed correctly, they should highlight opportunities for the organisation to improve both in the short term and longer term. It is through the use of these management systems that organisations are able to optimize their way of working in the pursuit of operational excellence.

Our methodology enables to quickly analyse opportunities in any business and commits to delivering business outcomes. 


Project Management

Project management is the function that ties together all the different project tasks into one cooperative effort. In general, project management provides necessary leadership to coordinate and integrate various disciplines into a functional and focused group intent on successful completion.

KIP’s project management approach is based on Prince 2. Most of our project managers are from industry backgrounds and have years of experience in implementing complex programmes of technology change.

We provide a range of services that range from short project health checks to project and program management.
  • Standard operating procedures for projects
  • Stake holder management
  • Project and Program office
  • Best practice for planning, monitoring and controlling project progress.
  • Template driven methodology
  • Project Charter
  • Project Initiation Document
  • Project Plans
  • Issue and Risk Logs
  • Change Control
Change Management

Change and Management are not two words that easily fit together. Next to each other they conjure up the visualization of trying to corral chaos. However, in a business lifecycle, the chances of dramatic change at some point are very high. Whether that the change is growth via mergers or acquisitions, or re-structuring, or downsizing to compensate for lack of business, the people who feel the change the most are the employees.


KIP focuses on customer success. As a leading enterprise business and technology solutions provider in North America.

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